Unique author identifiers

With the worldwide increase in the number of published scientific publications and results, the issue of possible ambiguity in identifying the authors of specific scientific publications is becoming more and more relevant. One of the biggest problems is, for example, the frequent matching of surnames, the inverted convention when giving personal names, changes in marital status, automated indexing of data from database producers, incorrect diacritics, etc. A possible solution is the so-called author (scientific) identifiers, which offer the possibility of quickly and unambiguously distinguishing between the same names of several authors, when it de facto fulfills a distinguishing function between individual persons. At the same time, identifiers can also serve as a professional profile in the scientific/academic sphere and also facilitate work with electronic resources. The use of identifiers is free of charge.

The three most important identifiers:
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID  – ORCID)
ResearcherID (Web of Science)
Scopus Author ID (Scopus)